The City will begin Phase 1 of the Chicago Ave./Sheridan Rd. Project on March 27. Phase 1 includes improvements on Chicago Ave., from Grove St. to Sheridan Rd.
03/20/2017 9:02 AM
Given the snow clearing work that was done and the warm pavement temperatures, parking restrictions will not be required as a result of the snow.
03/12/2017 4:23 PM
The Evanston City Council will be presented with an ordinance authorizing the City to execute a 40-year Water Supply Agreement with the villages of Morton Grove and Niles at the Monday, January 23 Evanston City Council meeting. The agreement is estimated to generate more than $750,000 per year in additional revenue for the City of Evanston, in addition to revenues the City will receive for water production costs and maintenance. The agreement includes two additional 10-year extension provisions at
01/20/2017 4:00 PM
Completion of the City of Evanston's Penny Park Renovation Project is now anticipated in spring 2017. Penny Park is located at Lake Street and Ashland Avenue. Project construction has been delayed as a result of unforeseen and unsuitable subsoil conditions found below the playground. Although construction work continues at this time, progress during the winter is expected to be slow. The estimated project completion date is April 30, 2017. For safety reasons, the playground will remain closed until the
01/11/2017 3:13 PM
The City of Evanston is beginning a project to improve the reliability of the Water Treatment Plant. The project will improve the City's water supply processes by adding needed redundancy and replacing or rehabilitating components that are near the end of their useful life. Critical components of the plant being improved include the shore wells, chemical feed system, large diameter valves, conveyance ducts, site piping, electrical systems and instrumentation. Improving the reliability of the plant provides a more dependable
01/05/2017 8:45 AM
City of Evanston crews will pick up holiday trees beginning Tuesday, December 27, 2016 through Friday, January 27, 2017. The five-week window provides residents with the flexibility to take down their trees when it's convenient. Trees will be picked up on the same day of the week as residents' normal refuse and recycling collection. All trees should be placed on the parkway, in between the street and the sidewalk. Trees will not be picked up from alleys or private'