On Friday, September 29, the Kiwanis Club of Evanston will be on street corners, near ‘el’ stops and the Metra, and in front of grocery stores, selling peanuts to the public. A yearly effort, the peanut sales help each club raise funds to ‘serve the children of the world’, a cornerstone of Kiwanis International.
Kiwanians embraced the peanuts as a way to raise funds and draw attention to the organization raising $77 million dollars nationwide since its inception. “People are remarkably generous,” said Jim Wolinski, president of the Kiwanis Club of Evanston. “It’s not unusual to have people and corporations make a contribution because they know here in Evanston, the monies raised are given back to 20-plus programs serving Evanston youth and children, in addition to two $1,000 scholarships for Evanston Township High School students annually.
If you are interested in ordering peanuts for your company or tailgate menu, please contact Jim Wolinski at 847-436-2042. Watch for Kiwanians on September 29 on the streets of Evanston…they will be happy to sell you some very fresh peanuts.