The Active Transportation Alliance encourages new and experienced bikers to get out and bike at any time they can in order to foster a friendly competition between different companies and organizations around the Chicagoland area. Awards are available in 35 different categories!
We are excited to announce that we are organizing a We're Out Walking team to take part in this challenge! If you would like to register, you may visit the ATA's website at . When you get to the "Join or Create a Team" option, please click the "join" option for an individual (not organizational) team and type in "We're Out Walking." There is no fee for registration or for participation in this event. There is no one specific bike that you must use, either, as you can use a personal bike or even rent one through the Divvy bike-sharing service.
To track your own miles, you may use the Bike Commuter Challenge app available for Android or iOS or another fitness tracker that you have, or you may enter you miles in manually on the ATA website on you profile page. If you have anymore questions regarding how to track a trip, on the benefits of biking regularly on the individual and organizational level, please visit the ATA's website and click on the "How Does It Work" tab.
Thank you all, and best of luck!