Streets Alive is a multifaceted program featuring free events that temporarily transform Evanston streets into car-free open spaces. By creating convenient, safe, and enjoyable places for people to bike, walk, play and interact, we can build healthy, sustainable, friendly, and vibrant cities.
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2016 Time: 1-6pm Presented by: City of Evanston and Citizens' Greener Evanston Age: All Admission: FREE Location: Main Street between Chicago Ave. and Robert Crown Park
Streets Alive is an initiative of Citizen's Greener Evanston (CGE). CGE's mission is to create a more livable and resilient city while decreasing the community's carbon emissions. CGE promotes and facilitates green transportation options such as walking, biking, transit, and car-sharing, educates and mobilizes the community, advocates for appropriate policies and infrastructure, and implements a variety of programs that aim to engage underserved constituencies.
For more information, visit